Pond with Pike and Water Lilies, 1973

Pond with Pike (Esox lucius) and Water Lilies - Poland Stamp

Stamp Information

This is a Polish postage stamp from 1973, part of a series dedicated to environmental protection, as indicated by the text “Ochrona środowiska,” which translates to “Environmental Protection” in English. The denomination of the stamp is 1.50 zł (złoty), the currency of Poland.

The artwork on the stamp was created by H. Matuszewska, a Polish artist. It depicts a serene natural scene with water lilies, a dragonfly, and fish in a body of water, with boats and trees in the background. This scene likely symbolizes the importance of protecting aquatic ecosystems.

The stamp was printed by the Polish Security Printing Works (PWPW), and the year “73” denotes the year of issue, 1973. The image and theme reflect a broader international movement during that time period to raise awareness about environmental conservation.

Environmental Protection in Poland

During the 1970s, environmental concerns were becoming more prominent globally, with the first Earth Day being celebrated in 1970. Poland, like many other countries, started to raise awareness about the importance of environmental protection. This stamp was part of that broader movement, symbolizing Poland’s commitment to conserving nature.

Poland has diverse ecosystems, including forests, lakes, and rivers, which were beginning to face threats from industrialization. The stamp series aimed to highlight the need to protect these natural resources.


By jadeknox

33 year old casual stamp collector from the UK!

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