George Palkovič Stamp Information
- Czechoslovakia
- 1963
- Brown black
- Commemorative
- Face Value: 60h
Juraj Palkovič Facts
Juraj/George Palkovič (1763-1835) was a Slovak priest, writer, translator, and publisher. He was one of the leading figures of the Slovak national revival in the 18th century.
Palkovič was born in Veľké Chlievany, Slovakia. He studied at the seminary in Trnava and in Vienna. After his ordination as a priest in 1788, he served as a chaplain in several parishes. In 1799, he became a professor of ethics at the seminary in Bratislava.
Palkovič was a strong supporter of the use of the Bernolákovčina, a standardized form of the Slovak language. He published several works in this language, including a translation of the Bible and a dictionary. He was also a member of the Slovenské učené tovarišstvo, the first Slovak cultural society.
Palkovič’s work was instrumental in the development of Slovak literature and culture. He is considered one of the most important figures in the Slovak national revival.
Here are some of his most notable works:
- Preklad Biblie do bernolákovskej slovenčiny (1829-1832): This is the first complete translation of the Bible into Slovak.
- Slowár Slowenskí, Češko-Laťinsko-Ňemecko-Uherskí (1825-1827): This is a six-volume dictionary of the Slovak language.
- Život a skutky svätých (1821): This is a collection of biographies of saints.
- O básnickom umení (1818): This is a treatise on poetics.
- Palkovič’s work has had a lasting impact on Slovak culture. He is considered one of the most important figures in the Slovak national revival. His works are still read and studied today.
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